Product Details

These signage plate adapters are purpose-built to work with the 16″H and 24″H Barrier range and will provide a robust display for artwork or directional information that can be fitted to an existing upright.

The adapters are both 45 Degrees but are offered in 2 different types to accommodate the 2 types of sign plates.

Adapter AS-SSCS comes with a smaller plate and has high strength double sided adhesive to allow our smaller label holder range to be attached to it. This includes frames that measure 4×6, 6×6, 6×8, and others. A simple rule of thumb is if the label holder doesn’t have end strips then choose AS-SSCS.

Adapter AS-SSCL comes with a larger 4×4 plate and has a set screw to allow our larger signage plate range to be attached to it via their slotted system. This includes frames that measure 8 ½, 11, and 16 inches High. A simple rule of thumb is if the Signage plate has end strips then choose AS-SSCL.

When choosing the size of Label Holder to work with the Signage Adapter, be sure that it is large enough to allow the information to be read easily without stooping.

The Barrier Signage Adapter is produced in stainless steel and has slots that allow it to be used at any point on a run of barriers without interrupting the cord.

*Signage plates and signage adapter caps sold separately.

Art Stanchions Label Holder


When choosing the size of Label Holder to work with the Signage Adapter, be sure that it is large enough to allow the information to be read easily without stooping.

  • *Adds descriptive surface to any surface
  • *Made in USA
  • *Label Holder ONLY

45° Signage Cap Label Holder

45° Signage Cap used on art stanchions for Label Holder. Stainless Steel. (Adapter unit only) (Uses double sided tape).

SKU: (MS-A0406LH) (MS-A0606LH) (MS-A0685LH) Category: